Kamal Haasan’s daughter Shruthi Haasan is currently pairing with Surya in the Tamil film Ezham Arivu. She is also pairing with Siddarth in a Telugu film. Shruthi while speaking to the media said,” My childhood dream is to become an actress. I like music composing, singing and acting very much. Composing music is not an easy task. Since I have been stamped as Kamal’s daughter, my responsibility has become more. I request everyone not to see me as Kamal’s daughter.
I have learnt the discipline from my father and self control from my mother as far as my profession is concerned. Many are telling that I look beautiful. The secret of my beauty is that I have sound sleep. If you have peaceful sleep, then your face will glow. I keep my face clean always. I avoid rice items. I also avoid sugar.
My father had acted in the films directed by the popular producer K Viswanath. He also wanted me to act in his film. But since I did not have the call sheet I was not able to act in his film. My father has advised me a lot.
He will always say that you should suffer for your faults. He never use to advice me regarding my profession.”