Each year, ‘Times of India’, India’s leading English language daily, conducts a special poll among film buffs, youths and members of the public to find out who are the ‘most adorable men & women’ in the country. In its latest revelations for the year 2010, the journal has named plenty of South Indian actors and actresses, much to the joy of Tamil fans.
The polling, conducted on-line via internet, has huge credibility as it involves thousands of people voting from across the country and in a fair manner. Not so unexpectedly, the mesmerizing Katrina Kaif (the reigning queen of Bollywood) and the ever-green hunk Hrithik Roshaan feature on top of the list on the ‘most adorable women’ and the ‘most adorable men’ categories.
Southern actress Trisha, Genelia, Asin, Shriya Saran and Shruti Haasan feature in the list of women. Trisha enters the reckoning for the first time and is placed 18th, five spots below Shriya Saran, the actress with an hour-glass figure. Chirpy Genelia is ranked as high as 6th while Asin Thottumlal is at 11th spot. Shruti Haasan, the lovely daughter of Kamal Haasan, is at 22nd spot. Like Trisha, all have been placed in this prestigious list for the first time.
Among the men, our own Vikram, Ajith and Suriya feature in the list at the spot Nos.33, 18 13 respectively. Vikam and Suriya’s foray into Bollywood with last year’s ‘Raavan’ and ‘Raktha Charitra’ are said to be responsible for their entry in the list.